FEATURED EVENT "Click" SHOP for "Seers Chamber 4HR Virtual Workshop 2/1/25
FEATURED EVENT "Click" SHOP for "Seers Chamber 4HR Virtual Workshop 2/1/25
Registration Closes on Saturday, January 18, 2025 (No Exceptions!)
Saturday, February 1, 2025 (10am - 2pmCT) via Zoom
"Where governing authorities meet and economic & spiritual empowerment is promoted!"
Are you a Seer of God? Or, do you have individuals you lead or follow are Seers?
Workshop Instruction Segments:
I. What is the Seers Chamber?
II. Learn the distinguishing characteristics of the Seer.
III. Learn the role of the Seer to every leadership in existence.
IV. Learn the responsibilities and authority of the Seer in the Spirit realm.
Zoom Link will be emailed 1hr before call!
Regular $995
New Client Assessment and Analysis Session findings of Intake Forms discussed in a 1-hr session via Zoom. This session gives new clients more information about the areas in life and/or business that may need counseling and coaching for clearer path progression. This fee is transferred to any Premium Package new client may decide to take advantage of.
This is a great way to get a peak at what to expect from Premium Session investment.
Once this fee is paid and fully processed, NEW CLIENT will receive a 10min Welcome Call. In-Take Forms will be emailed within 72hrs to new client for completion and returned before setting a session date and time.
Regular $995
For the serious client candidate ready for real life CHANGE! We are a 3-Part Whole (Spirit - communication in spiritual realm; Soul - will, emotions, intellect, relationships; Body - communication with physical realm).
The session incorporates Talk Therapy to promote Cognitive Dissonance (removing old mindsets and practices replacing them with new information for enlightenment and growth), prayer and prophetic utterance to help facilitate soul scrub for better emotional and spiritual living.
Intake Forms & Release Must Be Completed at least 72 Hours BEFORE Session and returned to our office! NO REFUNDS! NO TRANSFERS! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Regular $25 (FREE S/H & signed directly from Bobbie) Pre 4th of July Weekend 2024
A Personal Exploration Read About When A Woman Recognizes Herself Outside of the Socially Acceptable Norms.
Purchase Paperback here from author by clicking BUY NOW or go to Amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Day-Met-Authentic-Self-Exploration/dp/B08QC3SMM3/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=bobbie+clark+alexander&qid=1634000709&sr=8-1
Scroll down below to Purchase at 50% Off Black Friday Price!
Regular $10,000
6 hr individualized comprehensive session set up from information submitted on In-Take Forms. Your Premium Select Elite Coaching Session will take place in a full service hotel suite situated in your hometown. Yes, I fly to you!!! Once you have finalized your full complete payment In-Take forms will be emailed to you for completion.
Also, for those who want a destination session or come to my host house an additional fee will be added under separate cover to facilitate the client's desired accommodations. We aim to make this life changing experience to be unforgettable as well as transformational, and private.
Your privacy is of utmost importance to our service and your name will never be mentioned to any other client or potential clients, unless you recommend the service to one of your colleagues and/or contemporaries. Any pictures shared or videos you see on our site or marketing products have been approved by clients.
Our mode of counsel is through Talk Therapy and your Unique Life Coaching Goal Setting Accountability and Attainment. Your uniqueness is our business!
Regular $5000
3 hr individualized comprehensive session set up from information submitted on In-Take Forms. Your Premium Select Elite Coaching Session will take place in a full service hotel suite situated in your hometown. Yes, I fly to you!!! Once you have finalized your full complete payment In-Take forms will be emailed to you for completion.
Also, for those who want a destination session or come to my host house an additional fee will be added under separate cover to facilitate the client's desired accommodations. We aim to make this life changing experience to be unforgettable as well as transformational.
Your privacy is of utmost importance to our service and your name will never be mentioned to any other client or potential clients, unless you recommend the service to one of your colleagues and/or contemporaries. Any pictures shared or videos you see on our site or marketing products have been approved by clients.
Our mode of counsel is through Talk Therapy and your Unique Life Coaching Goal Setting Accountability and Attainment. Your uniqueness is our business!
Introductory Offer Good through 8/30/24 for August Sessions
Regular $1000
Intake Form discussed in a 90-Min session via Zoom. This session gives Mother's and their young adult daughters to bridge the generational gap for a time such as this. Relationships are hard at times and even more critical during challenging times.
This is a great way to get the communication going with a Daughter Millennial Facilitator/Mediator and Mommie Life Coach!
This idea was birth out of a 2hr session I did with my daughter on a Bi-monthly Empowerment Call with Working Professional Clients. It turned out to be a game changer for the mothers on the call. So we thought a private session with a mother & daughter who are having difficulty communicating with each other but would like to.
Once this fee is paid and fully processed In-Take Form will be emailed within 72hrs for completion and returned before setting a session date and time.
Event for Leaders & Working Professionals as they prepare to close and open the year!
Registration for December 2025 Coming Soon!
Prerequisite course is required before registering in Courses 102 & 103
Regular $600 (Next Class Starts 10/3/24) 10, 17,24, 11/7, 14.
Course 101 starts 7pmCT
Course 102 starts 8pmCT
Course 103 starts 9pmCT
6 Classes - Every Thursday! $100/per class
Registrants will receive a detailed email with class info 9/30/24
FREE S/H & signed directly from Bobbie! Pre 4th of July Weekend 2024
Workbook for budding prophetic officers or leaders searching for rudimentary principles to cultivate and mature (or train) those possessing the gift with understanding in an academic manner.
Regular $125/per mo. Due on the 1st and late after the 5th ($25 Fee)
Once a month 1.5 hour empowerment and coaching call for working professionals & entrepreneurs interested in balancing their faith-based and marketplace lives. A somewhat prophetic progressive and relevant lecture followed by Q&A.
Live group calls take place on the 4th Sunday of each month 3pmCT/4pmET promptly via Conference Call or Zoom.
No Refunds! NO EXCEPTIONS! (Registration Transfers Available with Notarized Letter from original purchaser 10 Days BEFORE Session start date which is October 31st. A copy may be sent via email, but original signed notarized letter should be immediately mailed to:
Select Elite Coaching & Counseling Services, LLC
3103 Cypress Street, Suite 3-204
West Monroe, LA 71291
($3.00 shipping)
Have the edge and order your copy NOW!
Prophetic Algorithms of the Mind in the 21st Century by Bobbie Clark-Alexander, M.Ed., MA-Psychology, BS
Our world is run by Information Technology (IT), big data using a procedure called algorithms. The procedure is used for solving a problem or performing a computation. Algorithms act as an exact list of instructions that conduct specified actions step by step in either hardware or software based programming routines. This is the language of the world that is void of the human mind, feelings, or emotions. The algorithms act as artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions for human beings to be granted a loan, credit card, make investments or contributions in the stock market, health insurance, life insurance, banking, and just about every daily life functions we need to live a normal life.
Then there’s what we call in faith-based institutions The Kingdom of Heaven, a group of believers who live by different rules, morals, standards, beliefs, literally blind faith in a God who is invisible to the naked eye and ruled by a book and holy spirit. In this Kingdom of Heaven, life and human experiences are completely contrary to that of AI. Emotions of compassion, empathy, love, hope, encouragement is the language of the Kingdom of Heaven, but are expected to live in this world run by humanless programming and procedures to make life decisions for peoples’ lives. How do we manage this?
The bible says that, “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are of the world. Therefore they speak as the world, and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” (I John 4:4-6)
So then how do we all cohabitate in a world within another world with completely different standards on how to do life? Well, it’s my goal to try and convey what I believe God is saying to me as a prophetic officer in the Earth who operates in faith-based as well as marketplace entities – basically both worlds.
Specific customized services requested. i.e., purchase block coaching hours, group coaching sessions, speaking engagement request, marketplace and faith-based workshops. etc.,
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